As predicted, the watch wasted no time in questioning us. As I cordially opened the front door for Captain Stagat, it seems the rest of the watch was poised to break all of our windows and leap inside. Stagat had little interest in what we had to say and quickly took us to prison. I had hoped to never see the inside of the place again… We waited there for a hearing in front of a magistrate. Tymora was with us, as Ranaer was there to plead our case. He told the magistrate of our heroic deeds of late. The Harpers came through for us as well, as we had several witnesses to back up our story. The magistrate took this all in and decided to let us go. Although it all turned out well, I fear we have strained our relationship with Ranaer
In order to let the heat die down with the city watch, we decided to focus on the matters of our manor. We decided we needed someone to man our cab, and someone to bar-tend / man the everyday operations at Trollskull.
The cab guild sent over a man named Abraxis. We interviewed him, and he seemed a decent man. Maxine gave him a passing grade as well, so we made an agreement with him. He would stable the cab and Maxine at his place and would work the hours we requested
Ranaer sent a man named Calahan to interview for the management of our tavern area. He would tend bar and hire the professionals to wait tables and cook. He detailed prospective costs and earnings for our establishment, and he agreed not to smoke his horrible-smelling cigars in the tavern.
While our interviews were taking place, a Sgt. Crawley came to ask some off-the-record questions for his investigation. He was leading the investigation into the explosion near our place, and wanted to know if we had anything we could share that we might not officially want to reveal to the watch. He gave us some information to help spur our responses. The name of the Zhent who survived the explosion is Urstul Floxin. This Floxin had apparently been at Gralhund Villa. Crawley wants to know what caused the violence between the Zhents and the Gralhunds. He told us that the watch was now cracking down on known Zhent members. If we uncovered any information we would like to pass on, we agreed on a plan. We would meet at a designated location when either of us placed a specific mark on our cab as a signal to the other.
We later returned to the Yawning Portal to speak with Ranaer. We told him of our progress and plans for the manor. He seemed genuinely excited about the project. He has plans of his own as well. He hoped for a grand opening with street performers out front. We mentioned our desire to host our neighbors and came up with the idea of an early cold-open for them tomorrow night. We split up to invite the locals in preparation.
Boaz finally convinced us to purchase respectable clothing. He has a point. We will now be hosting guests instead of slaying monsters in the sewers. We should at least look the part!