We asked the cab driver to take us to the city of the dead, but he asked more questions of us than the usual cabby does. Tobby investigated the contents of his pockets while the man continued with his questions. He found a storage-box key, not unlike the type used by the lamp-lighters guild. We exited the cab, and made our way to where to the lock-boxes are located. We needed to examine the contents before the cab driver realized his key was missing. Inside the locker, we found a note with instructions to keep an eye on some unnamed group, with a promise of payment. It was signed by someone named Frewn. We can now safely guess that this Frewn was paying the cab driver to watch us. For what, we don’t know, but we may have more than one reason for people to be interested in us! If memory serves, Volo may have mentioned someone named Frewn in relation to our manor. Perhaps we should revisit the topic when we see him again.
We returned to the city of the dead once again to follow our map. It led us to a mausoleum that Tobby unlocked for us. I stayed outside to keep watch while the others entered. I decided to act as if I was relaxing under a tree right across the street. Something seemed odd about the tree and as I investigated, an incredible thing happened. The tree began to converse with me! It told me that it had protected the city from trolls long ago. It mentioned that a metal man had entered the mausoleum we were investigating along with many other people. Some people had since left. As the group fetched me to investigate the lower level of the crypt, the tree mentioned its name – Branite. I shall have to return to this spot in the future.
As we descended the stairs, we followed a trail of blood. Foul deeds had been carried out here. We found not one, but two corpses along the way. Assuming we would find nothing but death, we were startled to hear a faint cry for help from farther down a passage. We approached and found an injured woman clinging to sanity. Boaz offered some healing and her eyes focused on us. She said that she works for the Casselanters. She was apparently here with members of other families, but she would not tell us which. She did mention two other individuals – Arn and Seffia, who were here, but had since left with the Stone. She seems certain that they would take the Stone to a windmill hideout in the Southward. As we put her in a cab, Tobby listened for the address of her destination to confirm her story.
We arrived at this windmill hideout and encountered a number of homeless families. I spoke with one, and determined that our quarry was likely in a room near the top of the structure. We made our way up the stairs and when we opened the correct door, we were immediately set upon by two men with daggers! There were also three flying monstrosities hovering just outside a window. One of the men moved to the window and handed a stone to one of the creatures outside. The other two creatures climbed in to join the fight. We fought well, and slew those in the room, but the remaining creature with the stone had escaped. Tobby scanned the skies and spotted the thing flying in the direction of Mt. Waterdeep. The Stone seems to have slipped from our grasp once again.
While deciding what action to take next, I was struck with the feeling that we may have forgotten something…
-Our tavern is holding its soft opening tonight!